This article will take you through how to uninstall VideoScribe from your Mac computer.
Uninstalling VideoScribe will not delete any of your locally saved scribes or settings. If you install VideoScribe again (on the same computer) you will be able to access your old scribes.

Before you try uninstalling VideoScribe, you need to make sure that the application is closed.

Sparkol Videoscribe For Mac Windows 7
Doodly: Platform: This program runs on Mac as well as Windows-based PCs. Windows users will. Sparkol Limited - UK. T: +44 (0)117 428 6117. Sparkol Inc - USA. T: 646-475-1630. Best Windows PC/Mac Software Alternatives to VideoScribe: #1. Doodly: Platform: This program runs on Mac as well as Windows-based PCs. Windows users will need to run at least Windows 7 or higher in order to access the program. It only runs on OS X 10.10 and higher as well. Check out these amazing example whiteboard videos and scribes created using VideoScribe. Sparkol Limited - UK. T: +44 (0)117 428 6117. Sparkol Inc - USA.
If you would like to uninstall VideoScribe from a Windows PC see Uninstall VideoScribe – PC.
Step 1. Find the VideoScribe icon in your Applications folder
The Applications folder (A) can be accessed using Finder.
Step 2. Place the VideoScribe application in your trash
This can be done by dragging the application to the trash can with the mouse or you can ctrl+click on the VideoScribe application and choose ‘Move to Trash’ from the menu (B).
Sparkol Videoscribe For Mac Windows 10
Step 3. Empty your Trash
Click on the trash can (C) and click on ‘Empty’ (D).

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